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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Metals that are magnetic: Steel, iron, nickel, cobalt, lead and zinc
Metals that are non-magnetic: Copper, aluminium, gold, silver

Point 1) The above metals are all solids.

Point 2) There is only one kind of metal which is liquid at room temperature: Mercury, also called Quicksilver.

Point 3) Metals that are formed by mixing two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal, are called Alloys. Some examples of alloys are: bronze, steel and magnesium. Bronze is strong, although made from copper and tin, which are fairly weak and soft. Steel is made of iron with small amounts of carbon and other elements. Magnesium makes strong light alloys with aluminium and zinc.

Point 4) All metals, with the exception of mercury, are strong. They can be bent without breaking. Metals are malleable, which means that they can be hammered or rolled into different shapes. They are also ductile, meaning that they can be pulled out to form wires.

Point 5) Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat.

- DarkAbyssXx
7:47 PM

Here's a funny comic Wei Kang shown me.

- DarkAbyssXx
2:18 PM

Monday, February 26, 2007

I was supposed to reach home at 1:15pm. But looks like I'm not going to do so. After the dismissal bell rang at 1pm, all the pupils of 6 Sunflower rushed home eagerly. I needed to clarify some doubts about Science, so I discussed some topics with Mrs Lim. After that, I went down the stairs and headed for the canteen. A teacher I knew suddenly saw me and called me and Zhan Peng to inform me about the approaching Maths Competition. Well, that was over after a few minutes. Once again, I headed to the canteen. Hmm... Why is my bag so light... OH MY GOD! I FORGOTTEN SOMETHING!

My File! It was still in class, under my desk. Grrr.... I climbed three flights of stairs to retrieve my file. *Pant... Pant...* Finally, I can have my lunch. I went to order some food and the stall vendor said that she was short-changed, so she owed me 10 cents. I finished my food and prepared to go home. I went to the bicycle rack to unlock my bicycle. Just as I removed the lock, OH NO! I forgotten to claim back my 10 cents! CURSES! I locked back my bike and stomped back to the food stall to get the money back.

I wanted to put the 10 cents in my wallet. I opened the zip and one coin came tumbling down onto the ground. Phew! It did not fall into the drain. I bent down to retrieve it and Oops! Unfortunately, another coin fell into the drain this time! I was getting really annoyed. Eng Chuan was also going to go home and he saw me having trouble with the coin. With his help, I was able to get back the wet and dirty coin. I washed my hands and finally, unlocked my bike and went home.

Guess what time it was when I reached home?

It was 1:40pm.

- DarkAbyssXx
2:16 PM

To all P6 pupils. Today, 26/02/07, is the first day of the CA1. Hmm... Does it seem like a normal day? I know the reason. The CA1 is extremely unimportant compared to the PSLE. No wonder I felt that there is no examination.

Anyway, the English paper was not too easy or hard. There were a few tricky questions though. (Examinations always have tricky questions.) The other tests should be fine.

I worried about the Higher Mother Tongue Language Examination. The duration is 1 hour and 20 minutes! Can you believe it? So little time, so many questions... Well, looks like everyone has to rush through the paper.

All the Best to Everyone! ^_^

- DarkAbyssXx
2:08 PM

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I did not expect Blogger to solve the problem. I solved it myself! It took a very, very long time. Here's a brief explanation of how I did it:

I have an old account in Blogger. I signed in and upgraded the blogs in there. Strangely, all my old blogs remained together with my new blogs in my new account. Now the old account is not usable anymore.

I changed the template using the old blogs (in the new account). Eureka! There was no problem! I also changed the music.

Now the only thing left to do is to find a way to delete the messages at the side of the blog. <<< I even managed to save the cbox from the New blogger's blog. (With the comments inside!)

Now there is still one tiny problem. When I want to create a post, the text colour, spell check etc. is all GONE!!!


One big problem GONE! Another one arises...

- DarkAbyssXx
12:12 PM

The old version of blogger is better than the new one. It is easy to change a template and put music in the blog. But since I started using the New Version, there was a lot of problems with the template-changing and the music-setting.

I hope the problem can be solved. Somehow...

- DarkAbyssXx
12:07 PM

This post is meant for the pupils of 6 Sunflower.

Below are the members of the Triangle:

1) Sumit Marlikaarjun Pujar: Thinks he know everything. When asked "are you the cleverest person in the school?", he immediately answered, "yes!" Actually, sometimes he does not even know the simplest concepts and asks silly questions in class. His arrogance and ignorance causes him to be the most hated person of 6 Sunflower. He behaviour was very bad in Year 2006. But strangely, he has been quite good in 2007. But still, his attitude did not change. Sumit likes to make unnecessary comments about other people can often argues with Thiru and Haiqal.

2) Haiqal: A very playful and argumentative boy. He often argues with Sumit. (Even when Sumit did not say something wrong.) It is understood that he hates Sumit, but even so, he has no right to say bad things about him for no reason. He likes attention and will do almost anything to get it. For example, he make jokes about Sumit, shouts in class, and frequently gets scolded by the teacher. Haiqal lie sometimes to prove his 'innocence' when he does something wrong. He will say, "What did I do?" or "I did not do that!" He is quite creative though.

3) Thiru: A terrible chatterbox. Possibly one of the most talkative person on Earth. Like Haiqal, he likes a bit of attention. He share his comments with the class at the wrong time. Gets scolded by teachers almost every day. He does not know how to do the right things at the right time. But under his playful and childish face, he is quite helpful and kind. He hasn't changed one bit since Year 2006. (Except that he got more talkative) When he makes a mistake, he does not feel embarrassed. (In some situations, that kind of attitude is bad.) Thiru must stop being Talkative!!!

Well, please vote for the person whom you think is the worst. (This only applies for 6 Sunflower pupils.) Click "Post a Comment". Then type your real name. Type 1 for Sumit, 2 for Haiqal and 3 for you-know-who. Please do not write in the Shoutbox. Comments HERE!!!


- DarkAbyssXx
12:06 PM

I went back to Labis, Malaysia on Friday, 16/02/07, for Chinese New Year Celebrations. It was quite boring except when I was playing with firecrackers! (You can only do so in Malaysia.) At midnight, I watched the magnificent display of fireworks! It was quite noisy and I couldn't sleep. So I stayed up till about 2am.

On Monday, 19/02/07, I went to Seremban, Malaysia to visit my cousin and relatives. I had fun with my cousin. We watched a James Bond movie till 3:30am in the night, cooked noodles for supper, played PS2...

My mother had to write a letter to Mrs Lim to inform her that I will be absent on Wednesday. (It was a school day) If I came back on Tuesday, I wouldn't have time to attend the Reunion Dinner.

My father drove my family and I back to Singapore. On the way, one of the car's tyres was punctured! Part of the bumper fell of. (The bumper was partially damaged before) Fortunately, he called PLUS for road assistance. After a long wait of 20 minutes, the maintenence workers came to fix the problem. Back on the road!

I enjoyed the CNY holidays. Please do share your holiday experiences with me!

- DarkAbyssXx
12:06 PM

Geothermal Energy

Certain places on Earth have hot springs which give off a lot of steam. The steam can be used to turn turbines to enerte electricity.

Geothermal energy is renewable.

Tidal Energy

The moving water in tides have kinetic energy. To obtain energy, a barrier called a tidal barrage is built across the mouth of a tidal river. The turbines in the barrage convert kinetic energy of the moving water to electrical energy.

What are tides?

The sea level 'rises' and 'falls' twice a day, mainly due to the gravitational attraction of the moon on the oceans and seas.

Tidal energy is renewable.

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is relatively cheap but it produces toxic waste which is hard to dispose of. If there is a leakage, it could kill and harm people and other living things. Currently, nuclear energy is obtained from the splitting of the nuclei of uranium atoms (nuclear fission). This causes a lot of energy to be released, which is used ti generate electricity and to power ships and submarines.

Nuclear energy is non-renewable.

- DarkAbyssXx
12:05 PM

Below are some interesting and useful sites:

1) http://www.mathsnet.net/

2) http://www.coolmath.com/

1) www.bbc.co.uk/schools (Go to the science link.) This website also provides information about other topics. ^_^

2) www.energyquest.ca.gov/index.html

3) http://www.educapoles.org/index.php?fun_zone/multimedia_animations&s=7&rs=13&lg=en

4) http://www.purchon.com/biology/food.htm

5) http://www.footprints-science.co.uk/Starch.htm

6) http://www.andythelwell.com/blobz/

1) http://www.stomp.com.sg/english/

2) http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv41.shtml


4) http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/english/englishB1.htm

5) http://www.wolinskyweb.net/word.htm (This site provides an amazing list of english sites to visit. It's all about words.)

1) http://www1.moe.edu.sg/dir/cl/

General Knowledge:

1) http://www.howthingswork.com/

2) http://www.dke-encyc.com/

3) http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/hello/ (This website shows you how to say hello in many different languages!!!)

4) http://www.answers.com/

5) http://www.infoplease.com/

6) http://www.worsleyschool.net/science/elemscience.html (Everything from Science to Maths!)

7) http://www.thinkquest.org/library/ (This site provides innovative learning resources for students on a wide range of educational topics.)

8) http://www.dsokids.com/2001/rooms/DSO_Intro.html (A magical doorway to a world of musical fun!)

Powerful Search Engines:

1) http://www.ask.com/ (Best! When searching, there are almost no sites that are not related to the word in the top ten.)

2) http://www.google.com.sg/ (You may think this is the best, but sometimes it offers too much useless links.)

Here are some other search engines:

3) http://www.yahoo.com/

4) http://www.dogpile.com/

5) http://www.lycos.com/

Tip: If you cannot find what you want, try a few search engines. The chances of succeeding are much more higher!

Online Encyclopaedias:

1) http://www.wikipedia.org/ (This is the BEST online encyclopaedia. It provides information on Almost EVERYTHING!!!)

Online Dictionaries/Thesauruses:

1) http://www.dictionary.com/

More sites will be added.

More sites coming up.

- DarkAbyssXx
12:04 PM

1) Weight and Mass are the same. (WRONG)

Answer: Weight is a measurement of the gravitational force acting on an object. Mass is the amount of matter an object has.

2) Breathing and Respiration are the same. (WRONG)

Answer: Breathing is the exchange of gases in and out of the body. Respiration is the process by which an organism obtains energy by reacting oxygen with glucose to give water, carbon dioxide and energy.

3) Heat and Temperature are the same. (WRONG)

Answer: Heat is a form of energy. Temperature is the measurement of heat.

4) Population and Community are the same. (WRONG)

Answer: A population consists of all the organisms of the same kind that live and reproduce in a particular place. All the different populations of organisms living together in a habitat form a community. Example: Forest community, Pond community, etc.

4) Carrots reproduce from underground stems. (WRONG)

Answer: Carrots reproduce from seeds. The part of the carrot that is edible is the root.

5) Maggots are decomposers. (WRONG)

Answer: Maggots are not decomposers. They only help in the decomposition process by breaking down the carcass of the animal into smaller pieces.

- DarkAbyssXx
12:04 PM

Oh my god! The comic book DEATH NOTE rocks! Wei Kang was the first person who introduced this book to me. It is a chinese comic book by 'Chuang Yi Comics'. There are a lot of titles in the series.

The moment I started reading the book Wei Kang lent me, I could not put it down at all. The story is extrememly interesting. It talks about a high school student, Light Yagami, finding a Death Notebook on the ground. It is own by Death God (Shinigami) Ryuk. Light Yagami decides to use the book to cleanse the world of evil. (The human whose name is written in the book shall die.) But very soon, mysterious deaths aroused the curiosity of legendary detective, L. L attemps to track down the culprit behind the mysterious deaths. Will Light Yagami lose this battle against L?

I now have the complete collection of all the books. But I haven't finish reading them. :p

- DarkAbyssXx
12:04 PM

Have you read the post about Maths Problems being hard? Actually when I got the answers to the challenging ones, I realised that they aren't so hard if you know the principle/method. My Maths teacher, Mr Chua, taught the class some pretty Cool solutions.

There are a few methods to solve the problems:

1) Arrow Method/Unitary Method
2) Grouping
3) Re-arranging
4) Conversion Of Units

After facing the hard problems, and doing some review worksheets (some questions are pretty tricky and require some skill), the Diagnostic Test which is in Week 6 should be pretty OK...

- DarkAbyssXx
12:04 PM


Feeling bored?

Well, check out a site about Life's Unanswered Questions. What's that? Here's an example: If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it? The site is about questions that you may wonder in your life. (Silly Questions Sometimes)

Anyway, here's the link: http://www.crazythoughts.com/

- DarkAbyssXx
12:03 PM

Notice that there is music? (If not, please turn on your speaker. ^_^) I will be changing it sometimes to another melody. Hope you like it!


Note: The music may be changed occasionally

- DarkAbyssXx
12:03 PM

To all my friends, do all of you notice that the speaker on stage always make us stand for so long? No? Take this for an example:

"Students, please stand up!" the teacher commands. *We stand up.* "Oh no! Not the dance again!" (Teachers refer to it as exercise, but I think they just want us to dance. zZz...) We have to do a few sets of movements for so long standing up. >_<

After the programme, there is the flag raising ceremony. (I hate Mondays and Fridays especially because we need to sing the School Song and stand even longer!) The singing seems to last for ETERNITY. Then the song ends. But now a few teachers come up to the stage and blah, blah, blah. (Announcements, for your info.)

Finally, the class pick up their heavy bags and prepare to climb up THREE FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!!!


- DarkAbyssXx
12:02 PM

My schedule is very tight on weekdays.

Monday: School, Band (3pm-6pm)

Tuesday: School HMT Lesson (1:30pm-2:30pm)

Wednesday: School, Music Lessons (3:30pm-5:30pm)

Thursday: School, HMT Lesson (1:30pm-2:30pm), Band (3pm-6pm)

Friday: School, Karate (7:30pm-9pm)

By the way, there are courses sometimes too. I have to make a lot of changes in the date of some activities. zZzZz.....

- DarkAbyssXx
12:02 PM

I made a very firm decision. That is to stop mapling (for non-maplers, mapling means to play Maple Story)! +_+

The reason? PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination, Not Please Stop Learning Everything!) One of the biggest challenges in a student's Primary School life. As Mr Hoe from 6 Tulip said, "you suffer for 10 months, enjoy for 4 years! (in Secondary School)"

Conclusion? I hope that everyone will work hard for their Exams, especially my classmates. It may be a hard decision to stop playing online games, but I know you can do it!

By the way, after the PSLE, time to "CHIONG" Maple!!! Buy 2x EXP, use A-cash....

Hey wait! The PSLE is not over yet! zZz.....

- DarkAbyssXx
12:01 PM

P6 Maths Problems are getting quite hard. (Especially when it comes to Ratio. >_<) There is no such thing as a "one-step-answer" question.

I hope that as the class moves on, we will be able to understand not how to do, but more importantly, how to solve this Maths Problems. (By the way, problem sums really are problematic! T_T)

- DarkAbyssXx
12:01 PM

This is my first post. I will be using this blog as an occasional online journal. Why am I posting only sometimes? Because there's nothing much going on in my life... You'll see...

- DarkAbyssXx
11:57 AM

- DarkAbyssXx
11:56 AM


He who laughs last should do so from a safe distance!

Portmanteau Words, Great Jokes, Facts Of Life, Short Forms and Long Words, Tough Words, Anecdotes And Meaningful Stories Of Life, Hilarious Story Of A Donkey, Morals Of Life, The Bermuda Triangle Of 6 Sunflower, Funny Pictures, Hilarious Poem, The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny video, Health Articles and MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!

Facts Of Life
Splash Of Fun

Current: 115



February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
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November 2007
December 2007
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Fonts 101
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Mr Hoe
Mr Hoe (2)
6 Tulip
Wei Kang
Qi Wen
Zhan Peng
Ling Yun
Zhi Hui
Wing Yan
Mei Xin





What are your feelings about Mas Selamat Kastari's escape from detention centre?
I'm confident that the Singapore Authorities will round him up soon.
The Singapore Government has done a good job of keeping the country safe thus far. It's no big deal.
I think he will try to get in touch with other Jemaah Islamiah leaders and escape.
Huh? What are you talking about? Who is Mas Selamat Kastari?
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