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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Exams...exams... Extremely busy these few days as usual. The Maths Paper was freaking easy for section A and B. Only 2 questions stumped me in section C. But I still wrote a few answers. The English Paper... The Comprehension Open-Ended was much tougher than the previous exams'. I think this is how the PSLE level should be. I still managed to cope with it. :)

Now, this post is mainly written to express my feelings about Spell Cast 2007. I watched the Grand Finals on 31/7/2007. There were only 4 contestants then. The battle was raging and when the Tic-Tac-Toe round came, only Russell and Sheena remained. Guess who won? (It's quite obvious, isn't it?) Russell Soh emerged as Spell Cast 2007's Grand Champion. Salutations, Russell! Congratulations to everyone who managed to make it into the Finals.

Although I am angry with myself about the mistakes I had made in the Qualifier Rounds, I also realised that the outcome is not important at all. It is the process that is important. What matters is that the filming of the show and the tough competition was a great experience to me, being first time on TV. Plus, I learned a lot of new words! I truly understood now that among the good ones, there are the best! My failure will continue spurring me to greater heights!

Hope everyone had enjoyed the show too!

- DarkAbyssXx
9:18 PM

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Been very busy as usual, preparing for exams and stuff. Just came back from the Hwa Chong Institution DSA Half-Day Programme. (Damn tired now) I took multiple tests there: A Maths Test, Creative Writing in English and Chinese, and an interviews. I could skip the General Ability Test as I already took that in Raffles Institution.

But as you may guess, the Maths Test was Olympiad-level. I only answered 8 out of 20 questions. I don't care anyway. The Chinese and English Composition tests were quite okay. A short animation clip was shown and we had to write some points about it. I think I wrote out of point for the English Composition. But as for the Chinese one, it was pretty okay. I was asked to write about my feelings after the clip and stuff.

Okay, enough of that. Let's get on with the main points of discussion.

After exiting the school, I went to a Sheng Siong Mall to have lunch with my family. Later, I went to the supermarket as my mother wanted to purchase some groceries. (When I say 'some', I mean A LOT!!!) I was asked to help her weigh some vegetables and fruits in those clear plastic bags and I went to the weighing station. There was a short queue of people and I waited patiently for my turn.

All of a sudden, a Malay woman appeared and tried to get her way first by not queuing up. She stood at the opposite side of the queue, holding her bag of vegetables with one hand to the person at the weighing station, as though demanding that she wanted to have her turn first. The stall assistant there asked her to queue up and she walked grumpily, but slowly to the end of the queue. At that point of time, it was my turn to give the shop assistant the vegetables for weighing and when I had finished doing so. She tried to cut into the queue. I saw a man behind me who was pushing a trolley, patiently queuing up and decided to 'help' the poor shopper. I blocked the nasty woman and the man immediately rushed to the counter.

:D Haha, that was fun!

Not only that, later when I went to the weighing station for the second round of groceries, an Indian woman that was behind me stuck out her hand and again, like the Malay woman, demanded to be served first. (She did not say anything, but gave us the idea that her attitude was bad.) "Wait, wait, wait!" The shop assistant told her and helped me with my groceries. Just as I was about to walk off, the Indian woman handed over her bag of longans to the shop assistant, but guess what happened? Some of her fruits rolled out of the bag and onto the floor! "Serves her right!" I thought to myself and walked off with a triumphant smile. Lol. +.+

In conclusion, I think people should change their attitudes and exercise courtesy anytime and anywhere. If everyone could do that, our world would be a better place to live in! :)

- DarkAbyssXx
4:47 PM

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's been a quite some time since I posted. But I have been updating the Facts Of Life section almost everyday. Some of the facts are amazing and they are all true! Anyway, I've been VERY busy for the past few days. Coping with school work, revision, a music audition to RI, CCA performances, preparing for the emceeing on Star's Nite, a.k.a our school's 10th anniversary. Okay, you get the point, right? I'm flooded with work. But I will still take some time to update.

In this post, I'm going to introduce you to Happeepill.com which is a GREAT website. It's first on my 'LINKS' section, if you have noticed. Go on, click the link! That website is extremely interesting, founded by an anonymous founder (Duh!) who is none other than the famous (or infamous, should I say) Evil Bunny! His website talks about issues ranging from Singapore's Education System to Funny questions and Cartoons! (The cartoons are hilarious and they rock!) He is the creator of the whole site and people love it so much that there are tons of fans! Once you read some of his articles, in no time, visiting his site everyday will become a necessary routine! (He really knows how to capture his readers' attention!)

Some cartoons of his:

1) Gurdeep the Guru

2) Punish to Purify The Ah Beng

3) The Five Gates Of Absolute Karma

4) Enjet-Enjet Semut (The original cartoon's been taken off, but the one there is still his work.)

- DarkAbyssXx
4:04 PM


He who laughs last should do so from a safe distance!

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What are your feelings about Mas Selamat Kastari's escape from detention centre?
I'm confident that the Singapore Authorities will round him up soon.
The Singapore Government has done a good job of keeping the country safe thus far. It's no big deal.
I think he will try to get in touch with other Jemaah Islamiah leaders and escape.
Huh? What are you talking about? Who is Mas Selamat Kastari?
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