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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

*YAWN* It was another boring day at school. Boring "Dance" Program if you remember. The "Dance" Program is one of the reasons why some people hate school. Lol. I was just staring and thinking how stupid the program was when suddenly Solihin, who was behind me, held something small, brownish and puny in his hand in FRONT of my face. Yikes! It was a fake cockroach. I was really fooled for one moment. I found out later that he had removed the fake insect from a "prank chewing gum". (The one that pops out something scary when you pull it.) Yup. He's a sadist. Little did I know that the cockroach would play a very big part of today's fun!

Mrs Lim was going through some English Practice Papers on the visualiser today when suddenly, SOMEONE thought of a wicked idea. That SOMEONE was actually the person sitting beside me. Not Haiqal. Not Sumit. THIRU. As you may guess, this turned out to be a prank. Read on.

Thiru secretly requested for the "cockroach" that I referred to earlier on. Solihin, upon knowing what he was up to, was more than happy to co-operate with him. I watched Thiru in silence as he told me about his mischievous plan/prank. Well, it was high time that we spice things up a little in class, so I decided that it was a good idea. Anyway, I genuinely had a question to ask Mrs Lim. (This was more like an excuse to play the prank to Thiru.)

As I walked towards Mrs Lim, followed by Thiru. I saw him grinning broadly from ear to ear. Serious. He was clutching on tightly onto the fake insect. It was almost time to put the scheme he had cooked up into action. Seconds went by. After I finished asking Mrs Lim my question about the Comprehension OE, I immediately went back to my seat. Thiru then dropped the fake cockroach onto Mrs Lim's desk!

"AAAaaahhh!" A short scream followed. Mrs Lim literally jumped out of her seat. I guess everyone was puzzled. Thiru was bursting into hysterical laughter. The class soon found out what happened and everyone started giggling too. I'm sure 6 Tulip can hear the noise! It took a few seconds for Mrs Lim to realise that she had been duped. She looked at Thiru and reprimanded him lightly for playing such a plan. She also mentioned that I was his accomplice! It took around 20 seconds for the whole of 6 Sunflower to settle down.

Thiru apologised for playing the prank on Mrs Lim and went back to his seat. I could see that he was immensely satisfied that the whole prank was an incredible success. Okay... Maybe in everyone one of us, there is a SADIST. No matter what kind of person you are, just ADMIT it: Can't you just enjoy a little light-hearted fun at people's expense? Of course, the prank cannot go too far. But in this case, it had not!

As Thiru sat down beside me, still laughing, I whispered to him, "How about a fake mouse next time?" (Refer to previous post: Mouse Escape!)

- DarkAbyssXx
4:05 PM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It had been a few days since the PSLE Listening Comprehension. I can only say that it is OKAY. I think there are a few questions that I had gotten wrong in both Comprehensions. But there is a 90% chance that I am wrong in maybe one or two answers. Well, the best thing to do is not to think about it. It's over anyway.

Over the weekends, I went to Causeway Point and the Civic Centre to return some books. To my delight, there was a stall selling some Science Practice Papers from Top schools in Singapore. So, I decided to buy some of them to strengthen my concepts in Science and to prepare myself fully for the Science Exam. Some of the practice papers are pretty tricky, and a lot can be learnt from them.

Although I plan to finish all of them before PSLE, I still go out to play soccer or badminton every 2 days with some people like Thiru. I had greatly improved in my soccer skills since I started training with him.

Okay... Nothing else to say. I wish every Primary 6 pupil the best of luck in PSLE. It is only 2 weeks from it now. The oral and LC examinations are finished. I decided to treat PSLE as a challenge, not a miserable examination or difficult task. Actually, it is your thinking that affects you -- if you treat it in a positive manner, it actually makes a difference!

Once again, best of luck to all my friends! :D

- DarkAbyssXx
2:56 PM

Friday, September 14, 2007

I was surfing YouTube when I came across some Martial Arts Videos. Watch the first one. It's AMAZING! Look at all the fancy flipping stunts! Remember to turn off the music before playing the videos!

As I told you, AMAZING stunts!

A Jackie Chan movie: Drunken Master 2

NEVER, EVER try these stunts...

- DarkAbyssXx
10:06 PM

Sunday, September 02, 2007

This is an short and concise article about Life in the Extreme.

Up until about 30 years ago, it was believed that all life on Earth was dependent upon energy from the sun. Furthermore, it was thought that you would probably not find life where temperatures were extremely hot, like in geysers or hot springs, or extremely cold, like in the Antarctic desert.

These ideas changed when oceanographers explored hydrothermal vents, openings in the ocean floor where extremely hot, mineral-rich water erupts from the crust. Hydrothermal vents are located several miles below the surface, on the ocean floor, where the surrounding water is at or near freezing, it is absolutely dark and the pressure is high. In organized communities around the bases of these vents, called black smokers, scientists found clams, crabs and exotic, giant tubeworms measuring 6 feet (2 meters) long. The water coming out of these vents is 230 to 662 degrees Fahrenheit (110 to 350 degrees Celsius).

How can these animals survive so far from the sunlight, under these extreme conditions? In the water, scientists found species of bacteria that split hydrogen sulfide from the water to get energy to make organic compounds (chemosynthesis). The tubeworms have bacteria in their tissues that help them derive energy from the water. The clams feed on the bacteria, and the crabs feed on the tubeworms.

The discovery of hydrothermal-vent communities showed that it is possible for life to evolve in places without light from the sun, and in other worlds without sufficient light from the parent star. In view of the discovery of hydrothermal vents, it may be possible that life exists on Europa, an icy moon of Jupiter, which scientists believe has a water ocean beneath its icy crust.

Life has been found in other extreme environments as well. Scientists discovered microcolonies of lichens called cryptoendoliths in rock samples of the Antarctic desert, where temperatures often drop to 100 degrees below zero and there is little or no liquid water. In contrast, thermophilic (heat-loving) bacteria have been found in hot springs where temperatures exceed the boiling point of water.

If life can evolve in extreme environments on Earth, it seems possible that life may exist in the extreme environments of other worlds such as Mars...

Source: HowStuffWorks.com

- DarkAbyssXx
10:50 PM


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The Singapore Government has done a good job of keeping the country safe thus far. It's no big deal.
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