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Sunday, November 25, 2007

I saw this outrageous article published in The New Paper dated 24 November 2007! Read the highlighted parts to see for yourself.

If you are a girl, you'd probably laugh to yourself and COMPLETELY agree with this dumb article. Yes, I admit that SOME parts of the article are quite true. But, the people who say those dumb things are not addressing exceptions! Hmm... They must be females. X(

The first highlighted part angers me the most: Said one teacher at a primary school in central Singapore: "The maturity of a primary six girl is equal to (the maturity of) a secondary two boy, so naturally they are more serious about their academic goals." Now, WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE IS THAT?

Also, don't think that every part of this article about GIRLS are right. In my opinion, not every girl in 6 Sunflower is showing that "maturity" stated in the article. You know WHO you are. So, to prevent any unwanted arguements, I will end this post. But DO think about what you've read.

- DarkAbyssXx
6:51 PM

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas is around the corner and as usual, Orchard Road is buzzing with activities 24 hours a day! My family and I went there initially because we wanted to have a little "buffet" at the Sakura Restaurant. At the restaurant, I saw something that interested me.

StrawBEERy? Wow... Strawberry-flavoured beer ice cream...?

Well, after the meal at Sakura (which consisted mainly of Unagis ^_^), My family and I decided to go for a stroll around Orchard Road to admire the festive decorations all around the place. Yes, there are photos! Why not a picture rather than a thousand words?

Please excuse the poor quality. I was in a rush to take the photos... :P

Rotating figurines... Nice...

This is one of the most interesting sights. Take a look at the picture. A fine statue? Or a well-crafted sculpture? Here's the truth: "It" is a real person! Surprised? I can't believe that it is a person at first too! He did not move a muscle when I first saw him. This act requires an immense amount of patience. He stood there for hours...!

I saw an enormous Christmas Tree in Takashimaya Mall with incredibly HUGE baubles.

I also went to the Toys 'R' Us and happen to see an authentic Rubik's Cube. Did I buy it? OF COURSE! :D

Compare... The above is a faux.

Now THAT is authenticity. Well, maybe you can't see much of a difference except for the mark in the centre. It's the rotation of the cube. The authentic one is easier to rotate and turn. The turning matters a lot in Speedcubing. XD

Anyway, that's my experience. Wishing everyone a...

P.S. Another sign I saw in NTUC Supermarket. You gotta love these errors!

PoWER... or PowDER?

- DarkAbyssXx
11:07 PM

Thursday, November 22, 2007

It was the fateful day. The day when the PSLE results are released. As I arrived in school at 11.50 am, I really wondered what was in store for me. This, :) ? Or this, :( ? Anyway, I wasn't really worried as I had put in a lot of effort for the examination. As Mrs Mano made a short introduction, the students braced themselves for the outcome. Amazingly, the P6 pupils did better than the other pupils last year. Some of the average scores for certain subjects exceeded the national aggregate! What was more amazing was that the top PSLE pupil for our school was Jeremy! His aggregate was 270! It was really unexpecting! Congratulations Jeremy! As Mrs Mano announced that, excited voices filled the whole hall. I, too, was elated and happy for Jeremy. Suddenly, Mrs Mano called the names of other pupils, including me, Ling Yun, Eng Chuan and some other people. I realised that there were 4 pupils from 6 Sunflower, including me. I did not really know why we were on stage.

It was only later than I found out that the other 9 people on stage were the Top 10 scorers! To my surprise, I also found out that I was 2nd in level, next to Jeremy. When the class went back to our classroom, Mrs Lim handed all of us our Results Slip with a beam on her face. She congratulated me on my score. I took a look at my aggregate: 268. I looked at the number again. OMG! It really was 268, just 2 marks away from Jeremy! I was exhilarated and speechless! What made me more elated was the fact that I got an A* for all my subjects! (But, for my Higher Mother Tongue, I obtained a Merit.) I thought it was impossible, but reality doesn't lie!

My euphoria lasted all the way home. Mrs Lim told me that she was surprised at my results as during the Prelims, I did not do well. It was pretty demoralizing. But at least I was able to pull myself together and fight the last battle in the PSLE! I was even happier to know that my DSA application is now officially 100% successful! Looks like my hard work DID pay off!

My Results Slip! :D

- DarkAbyssXx
7:37 PM

Monday, November 19, 2007

I went to the new Admiralty Park opposite Republic Poly today. Although operations there had still not been completed, I could see that the park is going to be splendid when finished. I will post in time about the park once I visit it again. For now, here are some interesting comics on Protecting the Environment. I took the photos at the park!

Do your part! Save the Environment!

- DarkAbyssXx
6:31 PM

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Remember the previous article about the traffic accident near Triple 8 Plaza? As I expected, the incident was really published in the papers. I happened to come across the chinese article in the papers and recognised the photo of the MPV immediately. There was a mistake with my father's information, however: The MPV knocked down a grandmother and her grandchildren, not a woman. Actually, this article was published on 8th November 2007. But I was too busy to upload the photos until now. For more information, read the article yourself. I will attach it in 2 photos, as the whole cut-out is too large for one picture.

The previous picture I posted was not very clear. But this time, I found another way to make it clearer. (By the way, Picasa© rocks!)

- DarkAbyssXx
6:19 PM

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I know... It's been a long time since I last posted. (Actually, a few days. :P) Let me update you on my life. Although I did not come to school for 2 days this week, it doesn't mean I was enjoying my life at home either. I had a few reasons to skip school for the 2 days. What makes it better is that in this week, all pupils do not have to report to school for 2 days. Why? Because Tuesday of the week is Administration Day, while Thursday is Deepavali. HOORAY!

Anyway, I spent my time at home writing up my music arrangements for my Electone Examination, which is on the 17th of November. Because of the PSLE, I had to cancel some classes, which makes the whole situation even worse. By the way, here's a short introduction on my Music Arrangements. In the Exam, pupils are required to learn 7 songs: 2 from the Music Textbook, 2 Arrangements (More info on that later) and 3 other songs. So, what is a Music Arrangement anyway? In a nutshell, you have to pick 2 songs and modify the chords and melody of the pieces, adding a twist to the original melody! It may seem easy, but it's NOT. Careful planning had to be carried out and applied to the score. That's ONE thing. The other thing is that you have to spend HOURS writing out the whole piece. (If you write it neatly and clearly, that is.) >_< So, I spent the day writing out the arrangement. The point is, it was TIRING.

Today, which is a Wednesday, was also a busy day for me, although I did not come to school again. :) If I did, I would have been so tired now that even writing this post would be impossible. Anyway, I was not feeling really good: a sore throat (started yesterday), blocked nose (kept sneezing) and to top it all, a feeling of exhaustion. (Luckily, there was no fever.) While at home,I heard a great commotion. There was a slight screech of tyres followed by a crash. I suspected that it was an accident, but did not take a look out of the window until my brother frantically asked me to come.

To my surprise I saw an ambulance and some police cars when I looked down at the traffic junction near Triple 8. A policeman was carrying out his duties of traffic diversion while a crowd of onlookers gathered around the scene. (Sound's like a sentence from a composition, right?) Although my curiosity was piqued, I did not find out what had happened until later. According to my father, a black MPV or Minivan knocked down a woman when she was standing too close to the road. It wasn't the driver's fault, though. My father said that another vehicle collided with the Minivan and caused it to swerve to the direction of the woman. Fortunately, the woman's child was not injured. To my relief, the woman did not die.

Unbelievably, I witnessed the outcome of another accident. As I passed by Evergreen Primary School in my father's car, I saw a crowd gathering nearby the traffic light opposite the school. Apparently, a vehicle had knocked down a schoolboy. Lying there on the stretcher, he was attended to by medical staff. (Yes, another ambulance.) I suspected that the boy dashed out onto the road. (I seen a lot of people doing that before, especially schoolchildren.)

My point is, these accidents serve as a strong warning to all people who want to defy traffic rules. To all people who take things for granted, recklessness kills! As the advertisement says, a minute saved, a life lost. So please everyone, observe traffic rules!

On the same day too, something else happened. This day is proving to be quite eventful! I went to attend my music lessons as per normal today. I also needed to go to Perling to go for an audition for an event. I am the accompanying pianist for a duet. Another person was playing the viola for a musical event. So, I came home quite late. As I passed the checkpoint, suddenly an alarm broke out. The vehicles in the checkpoint could not pass the counters! At first, I thought there was an error with the system. I soon found out the truth. Actually, all these is part of a security measure! After asking a policeman what was happening, my father told me that a vehicle tried to avoid being checked at the counter, dashing past it. Flashing on the signs was something like this: "An incident has occured in the checkpoint. Please stay calm and observe advisory signs and traffic lights." After a delay of 10 minutes or more, the problem was finally solved!

zZzZz... This day is getting too eventful!

- DarkAbyssXx
8:56 PM


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What are your feelings about Mas Selamat Kastari's escape from detention centre?
I'm confident that the Singapore Authorities will round him up soon.
The Singapore Government has done a good job of keeping the country safe thus far. It's no big deal.
I think he will try to get in touch with other Jemaah Islamiah leaders and escape.
Huh? What are you talking about? Who is Mas Selamat Kastari?
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