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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today, I went back to Woodlands Ring Primary School with Jeremy for a talk to some P6 Classes (6 Tulip, Violet and Sunflower). I was chosen as an RI ambassador to promote our Open House 2008 to the pupils from my alma mater. We were allowed to leave school for the talk. But of course, we need to return for the rest of the time after it. I felt that the talk went well. In the prepared speech, Jeremy elaborated about the programmes we have gone through in RI, such as the Special Programme. Both of us also talked about how challenging academic and CCA life can be. All in all though, it's "immensely interesting", as quoted by Jeremy.

Besides inviting them to RI Open House, which is going to be held from 9am to 4pm this Saturday, 17th May, we also screened a video and held a Question & Answer session. Surprisingly, the P6 pupils did not have many questions to ask, but luckily, I had earlier prepared a few topics to discuss with them. They include CCAs, Tests, Gradings, etc. I enjoyed delivering the speech.

I realised how quickly time had passed. Last year, I was one of the P6 pupils listening from the audience to another senior from WRPS who is in RI. Now, both me and Jeremy turned out to be the people talking!

By the way, the talk was held in the AVA Room. I would like to thank Mr Hoe, form teacher of 6 Tulip in 2007, for his assistance in scheduling the time and date for this visit. He was also present during our speech.

Now that I think of it, I seemed to have done most of the work. I contacted the school, passed them the posters and letter, refined the whole Ambassador Speech and got the video from RI. Anyway, it was a pretty challenging task, to call up the school. Actually, I just sent them an email and contacted them to make sure they received it. The funny thing was, they did not even tell me about the timing and date. I think WRPS told Mr Hoe to inform us about it.

This is the first time I came up with a speech and talked to my juniors on stage. I had certainly enjoyed this rare experience.

P.S. I met Mr Chua and Mdm Chen Cong in WRPS. We exchanged greetings and chatted for a short while before I left with Jeremy.

- DarkAbyssXx
5:57 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

I had no post in a long time, as usual, but I got a surprise a week ago. My CCA appeal was GRANTED! Finally, after months of waiting and tiring appeal. Surprisingly, the Head of PE and CCA, Mr Eng, said that the case had been closed quite some time ago. To think that the Chinese Orchestra teacher did not even inform me! (She still asked me to compose a solo for a performance on my instrument!)

Now that I'm in NCC, it's sayonara to RICO. I'm glad that I finally can do something non-related to music. Oh, the Physical Training (P.T.) is tough there. We had to do lots of training such as running up a 24-storey building and do normal workouts like crunches, push-ups, etc. Of course, there are drills. It's quite fun actually. Sometimes, we get to play soccer or war games. I had war games today, and all the Sec 1 cadets had to catch some of our seniors in the separate platoon. They could hide almost anywhere in the school. That is the challenge of the game. You not only have to find them, but you have to catch them. With teamwork, our platoon managed to capture most of our seniors, no matter how fast they run. We would always corner them, haha!

Oh, by the way, the reason for not posting for so long is because of the staggering amount of tests and assignments I'm having recently. There were a lot of CCTs for the past 2 weeks. Oh, and I mugged for Mathematics on Sunday for literally half the day. Yes, I spent around 12 hours in all doing a lot of supplementary exercises. My efforts paid off eventually, with me scoring a 23/30, compared to 16.5/30 for the last time!

I will continue to work harder for my weaker subjects! :P

- DarkAbyssXx
10:25 PM


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I'm confident that the Singapore Authorities will round him up soon.
The Singapore Government has done a good job of keeping the country safe thus far. It's no big deal.
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