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Sunday, August 31, 2008

This is a heavy-hearted post. It's about a video that I watched on the internet (called Meet your meat), from ChooseVeg.com. The video sends a strong message to the audience, showing us how cruelly animals are treated in the course of food production. What is known as "factory farming" to us is known as "inescapable reality" to the animals being slaughtered for food. A word of warning before you decide to view the video: It is uncensored and some of the scenes may be slightly gory. Not for the faint-hearted. This video promotes vegeterianism and hopefully after watching it, you will think twice before eating meat.

Oh and please do comment on the video using the tag boxes.

Click here for the link.

- DarkAbyssXx
2:04 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I went for the Singapore Bay Run 2008 a few days ago. It was a 6 km run along the area near Marina Bay. The route covered included a few roads that had been closed off to traffic due to the event. It passed by the Singapore Flyer, where I looked at the gigantic attraction. The run was quite tiring, and I carried my school flag for 1 km before passing it to someone else as a relay. :D
I ran for about 3 km before slacking. I walked and ran alternately after that.

Okay, my update on life. Nothing much is going on really, except for a few tests. I took my MEP Test (the fourth one) today and all I can say is that it was pretty difficult. I would be lucky if I can get at least 18 marks out of 25! Oh and also, my Science Practical and Chemistry CCT was totally screwed up, both with low scores. I'm not really traumatised or anything. Since I entered RI, I have learnt one thing: You can't get a good score every time. So even if it means I just passed or failed, I will have to move on. Anyway, nothing can be done even if you feel mournful for your score.

For the September holidays, I will be studying like hell for the EOY Exams. *SIGH* How I wish the December holidays would come sooner!

- DarkAbyssXx
9:08 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Yes! I finally got my Progress Report 2 back after a long and hopeful wait. Guess what, my overall GPA increased to 3.6, my target! Take a look at the scores yourself.

This time, my Maths improved to 2.8 compared to last time, which was a mere score of 2.0. So, I shall strive towards greater improvement, to meet my target of at least a 3.6 in that subject. Now, for my greatest improvement - MEP! From 2.8 to 4.0! I shall aim for a 4.0 in MEP every time. I wonder how my Science managed to score a 4.0, and 85%! However, I expect my Science results to drop, after I screwed up my Science Practical. Mother Tongue dropped from 4.0 to 3.6 by a few %, but that's okay. I must say that I'm happy to meet my previous target of 3.6. 4 of my subjects scored 3.6 while 2 of them got 4.0. Maths is still my weakest subject. My next target for overall GPA, which may seem impossible, will be at least 3.75! I'll have to work harder for it!

- DarkAbyssXx
11:46 AM

Today, I went for a training run at MacRitchie Reservoir to prepare myself for the Marina Bay Run that will be held next week. I ran 5 km today. The real event is going to be 6 km. It was quite okay. The event I am taking part in is voluntary, so I decided to give it a shot. Oh, and I found out that listening to music while running really helps a lot. You will not hear yourself panting and your stamina will sort of increase!

By the way, this post is quite random. I will talk about some interesting stuff I saw last week. Okay, firstly, the second RE interview I said I was going to conduct went quite well. It was a success. Now, the information gathered is implemented in my Final Report. The interview was quite formal. I acted as the typist, if you're curious.

Now, about the Beijing Olympics 2008: The fact that Singapore had been guaranteed at least a silver medal is no small feat. It will be the second medal that our country gets, after a long wait of 48 years. The first singaporean to ever win a medal is Tan Howe Liang, who obtained it in the weightlifing event during the Olympics in 1960. So this time, we secured ourselves at least a silver medal in Table Tennis. Actually, table tennis is the only sport Singapore is good at. Tao Li, our swimmer, came in fifth in the heats. During the live match between Li Jia Wei and a Korean player, I noted some pretty interesting parts, apart from the intensity and skill of the match. They both won 2 sets each, but Li Jia Wei eventually lost by 2 points in the last set.

At one point of the game, the Korean player, having lost a point, still turned back and smiled happily for some mysterious reason. Another hilarious thing was spotted too: After a timeout, the match continued and the Korean player, losing or winning another point (I can't remember), turned towards the camera and sticked out her tongue. And as if that was not funny enough, her tongue was partially green! I guess that is what you get from drinking too much Gatorade! At another point of the game, the tennis ball was whacked so hard that it bounced off the table and hit the umpire! Luckily, he was not a petty fellow.

I watched the matches continue in the repeats, as I had only managed to catch Li Jia Wei's Singles match live. I watched the Doubles match played by Li Jia Wei and Wang Yue Gu against another 2 Korean players. All I can say is: Singapore trounces Korea in Doubles! So, we gained an advantage. However, there was a match that was badly played, in my opinion. It was Wang Yue Gu's Single match. At the starting of the game, she had already lost 9-1 to her opponent! Can you believe that score??? How embarrassing. However, she tried to redeem herself and eventually caught up to around 7 or 8. But she still lost. The matches played between her and the Korean player were fast and intense. Yes, I salute Wang Yue Gu for her good reflexes, but she made a lot of careless mistakes, so they were quite unforgivable.

The last match decided the whole outcome of the game. It was Feng Tian Wei against Korean player Park Mi Young. They were both from China, by the way. This match was one that was outstanding. It was also a very patient one compared to the previous match by Wang. The two competitors were quite equal in terms of skills. They waited for the right time before delievering fast and swift blows. It was indeed a sensational match played. Feng Tian Wei ultimately won, and Singapore proceeded on to the Finals, where we will face China.

Here's my opinion on the outcome of the future game: Singapore does not stand a chance against China, but what can we do but hope? China defeated Hong Kong 3-0 while we won Korea by a narrow margin of 3-2. I could see our players struggling against the strong Korean oppostion. Their defence was excellent and they put up a great fight.

So that's all for my opinions on the Table Tennis matches. Hope to see our athletes do our country proud!

- DarkAbyssXx
11:16 AM

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Okay, seriously... It's been a very, very long time since I updated the blog. Hmm... Maybe I should change the current update status to "Dead". The last update was in May. That was around 3 months ago. Okay, since updates haven't been going on, I shall not elaborate much about the June Holidays. Let's just say that it was quite relaxing... apart from the fact that there were EIGHT ongoing assignments and projects! I only had to go back to school to do projects.

I don't feel like talking about the past. My current life is quite normal. I'm already used to having multiple projects within short deadlines and tight timeframes. My Research Education project is almost done, save for the second interview I'm going to conduct tomorrow. By the way, my topic is "Transportation in Singapore". The interviewee will be someone from LTA.

So far, life in RI had many, many ups and downs. NCC is going well, with the camp and a Trainfire session over. My maths results, so far, have been gradually improving. But who knows, the Maths CCT may determine a drop or increase in my results. This will all affect my second Progress Report, which is coming out this month! I am predicting an increase in my GPA, due to a good improvement in MEP. Current GPA for that is 4.0! This is partly because I score FULL MARKS for my Concert Report! Looks like my efforts had paid off. I will update on my results once they are out.

Now, for the downside of life. I applied for the Prefectorial Board recently. I passed the Nomination round but failed the Interview Round for some mysterious reason. I'm quite saddened by the loss. But what can I do but to wait for next year? The thing that pisses me off is that one other classmate (whom shall not be named), that I really think do not deserve the position, was successful in the Interview Round. I really do not think that this person's attitude is "right". In fact, I think that he has an attitude problem. (I won't elaborate any further. This is not solely my opinion, by the way.) I don't know what the Prefectorial Board sees in him. I believe they have made a grave mistake. >_<

Conclusion for this post: I shall try to update more regularly. The resurrection of this blog will, hopefully, be successful.

- DarkAbyssXx
8:33 PM


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What are your feelings about Mas Selamat Kastari's escape from detention centre?
I'm confident that the Singapore Authorities will round him up soon.
The Singapore Government has done a good job of keeping the country safe thus far. It's no big deal.
I think he will try to get in touch with other Jemaah Islamiah leaders and escape.
Huh? What are you talking about? Who is Mas Selamat Kastari?
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