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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Okay, I'm very inactive nowadays but be thankful that the blog is not dead. Well, not completely, anyway. Update on September Holidays: Nothing much was going on. Spent most of the time either at home reading, doing some supplementary maths exercises for practice, or going out for soccer once or twice. Oh, and also to relieve stress, I played Maple. Actually, MapleStory is the only game I am seriously playing. I don't bother to search for new online MMORPGs as they may be more addictive. More specifically, I'm lazy to try out new stuff, which is quite good in some sense. I like Maple for its simple graphics and gameplay, though it may be monotonous at times. But it's a good timekiller other than reading.

So, now that school starts again, the pressure is setting in (as usual). Deadlines to meet, EOY Exams, new projects and assignments, tight and hectic schedules... I got used to almost all of these things. But after the first three terms, I can say that I'm quite drained due to the overwhelming number of projects and especially Research Education. The report was done in a week by me and Tommy, and that was no mean feat. Try doing a 100+ page report in 5 days, and what's more, no extra time was given. That meant that we had to cope with our usual activities and dedicate our time left for writing the report. For my other two group members... I can say that they are slacking. Honestly, Tommy and I know better than to try to persuade them to contribute their efforts. It will be quite pointless. And looking at their quality of work and attitude towards it... Okay, you get the idea...

But now, the main thing that I have to prepare for is the EOY Exams. Of course, this time of the year is probably one that is most stressful for students. The exams determine a bulk of my results (40% to be exact). So, other than studying smart for them, I can only wish for the best of luck. This feels slightly like the period before PSLE. I can't wait till the December holidays arrive, where I can truly relax and forget about all the stress and anxiety until the following year. For now, I will just have to study hard for the last term and hope to achieve good results in the future tests and the EOY exams. :P

- DarkAbyssXx
9:14 PM

Sunday, August 31, 2008

This is a heavy-hearted post. It's about a video that I watched on the internet (called Meet your meat), from ChooseVeg.com. The video sends a strong message to the audience, showing us how cruelly animals are treated in the course of food production. What is known as "factory farming" to us is known as "inescapable reality" to the animals being slaughtered for food. A word of warning before you decide to view the video: It is uncensored and some of the scenes may be slightly gory. Not for the faint-hearted. This video promotes vegeterianism and hopefully after watching it, you will think twice before eating meat.

Oh and please do comment on the video using the tag boxes.

Click here for the link.

- DarkAbyssXx
2:04 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I went for the Singapore Bay Run 2008 a few days ago. It was a 6 km run along the area near Marina Bay. The route covered included a few roads that had been closed off to traffic due to the event. It passed by the Singapore Flyer, where I looked at the gigantic attraction. The run was quite tiring, and I carried my school flag for 1 km before passing it to someone else as a relay. :D
I ran for about 3 km before slacking. I walked and ran alternately after that.

Okay, my update on life. Nothing much is going on really, except for a few tests. I took my MEP Test (the fourth one) today and all I can say is that it was pretty difficult. I would be lucky if I can get at least 18 marks out of 25! Oh and also, my Science Practical and Chemistry CCT was totally screwed up, both with low scores. I'm not really traumatised or anything. Since I entered RI, I have learnt one thing: You can't get a good score every time. So even if it means I just passed or failed, I will have to move on. Anyway, nothing can be done even if you feel mournful for your score.

For the September holidays, I will be studying like hell for the EOY Exams. *SIGH* How I wish the December holidays would come sooner!

- DarkAbyssXx
9:08 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Yes! I finally got my Progress Report 2 back after a long and hopeful wait. Guess what, my overall GPA increased to 3.6, my target! Take a look at the scores yourself.

This time, my Maths improved to 2.8 compared to last time, which was a mere score of 2.0. So, I shall strive towards greater improvement, to meet my target of at least a 3.6 in that subject. Now, for my greatest improvement - MEP! From 2.8 to 4.0! I shall aim for a 4.0 in MEP every time. I wonder how my Science managed to score a 4.0, and 85%! However, I expect my Science results to drop, after I screwed up my Science Practical. Mother Tongue dropped from 4.0 to 3.6 by a few %, but that's okay. I must say that I'm happy to meet my previous target of 3.6. 4 of my subjects scored 3.6 while 2 of them got 4.0. Maths is still my weakest subject. My next target for overall GPA, which may seem impossible, will be at least 3.75! I'll have to work harder for it!

- DarkAbyssXx
11:46 AM

Today, I went for a training run at MacRitchie Reservoir to prepare myself for the Marina Bay Run that will be held next week. I ran 5 km today. The real event is going to be 6 km. It was quite okay. The event I am taking part in is voluntary, so I decided to give it a shot. Oh, and I found out that listening to music while running really helps a lot. You will not hear yourself panting and your stamina will sort of increase!

By the way, this post is quite random. I will talk about some interesting stuff I saw last week. Okay, firstly, the second RE interview I said I was going to conduct went quite well. It was a success. Now, the information gathered is implemented in my Final Report. The interview was quite formal. I acted as the typist, if you're curious.

Now, about the Beijing Olympics 2008: The fact that Singapore had been guaranteed at least a silver medal is no small feat. It will be the second medal that our country gets, after a long wait of 48 years. The first singaporean to ever win a medal is Tan Howe Liang, who obtained it in the weightlifing event during the Olympics in 1960. So this time, we secured ourselves at least a silver medal in Table Tennis. Actually, table tennis is the only sport Singapore is good at. Tao Li, our swimmer, came in fifth in the heats. During the live match between Li Jia Wei and a Korean player, I noted some pretty interesting parts, apart from the intensity and skill of the match. They both won 2 sets each, but Li Jia Wei eventually lost by 2 points in the last set.

At one point of the game, the Korean player, having lost a point, still turned back and smiled happily for some mysterious reason. Another hilarious thing was spotted too: After a timeout, the match continued and the Korean player, losing or winning another point (I can't remember), turned towards the camera and sticked out her tongue. And as if that was not funny enough, her tongue was partially green! I guess that is what you get from drinking too much Gatorade! At another point of the game, the tennis ball was whacked so hard that it bounced off the table and hit the umpire! Luckily, he was not a petty fellow.

I watched the matches continue in the repeats, as I had only managed to catch Li Jia Wei's Singles match live. I watched the Doubles match played by Li Jia Wei and Wang Yue Gu against another 2 Korean players. All I can say is: Singapore trounces Korea in Doubles! So, we gained an advantage. However, there was a match that was badly played, in my opinion. It was Wang Yue Gu's Single match. At the starting of the game, she had already lost 9-1 to her opponent! Can you believe that score??? How embarrassing. However, she tried to redeem herself and eventually caught up to around 7 or 8. But she still lost. The matches played between her and the Korean player were fast and intense. Yes, I salute Wang Yue Gu for her good reflexes, but she made a lot of careless mistakes, so they were quite unforgivable.

The last match decided the whole outcome of the game. It was Feng Tian Wei against Korean player Park Mi Young. They were both from China, by the way. This match was one that was outstanding. It was also a very patient one compared to the previous match by Wang. The two competitors were quite equal in terms of skills. They waited for the right time before delievering fast and swift blows. It was indeed a sensational match played. Feng Tian Wei ultimately won, and Singapore proceeded on to the Finals, where we will face China.

Here's my opinion on the outcome of the future game: Singapore does not stand a chance against China, but what can we do but hope? China defeated Hong Kong 3-0 while we won Korea by a narrow margin of 3-2. I could see our players struggling against the strong Korean oppostion. Their defence was excellent and they put up a great fight.

So that's all for my opinions on the Table Tennis matches. Hope to see our athletes do our country proud!

- DarkAbyssXx
11:16 AM

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Okay, seriously... It's been a very, very long time since I updated the blog. Hmm... Maybe I should change the current update status to "Dead". The last update was in May. That was around 3 months ago. Okay, since updates haven't been going on, I shall not elaborate much about the June Holidays. Let's just say that it was quite relaxing... apart from the fact that there were EIGHT ongoing assignments and projects! I only had to go back to school to do projects.

I don't feel like talking about the past. My current life is quite normal. I'm already used to having multiple projects within short deadlines and tight timeframes. My Research Education project is almost done, save for the second interview I'm going to conduct tomorrow. By the way, my topic is "Transportation in Singapore". The interviewee will be someone from LTA.

So far, life in RI had many, many ups and downs. NCC is going well, with the camp and a Trainfire session over. My maths results, so far, have been gradually improving. But who knows, the Maths CCT may determine a drop or increase in my results. This will all affect my second Progress Report, which is coming out this month! I am predicting an increase in my GPA, due to a good improvement in MEP. Current GPA for that is 4.0! This is partly because I score FULL MARKS for my Concert Report! Looks like my efforts had paid off. I will update on my results once they are out.

Now, for the downside of life. I applied for the Prefectorial Board recently. I passed the Nomination round but failed the Interview Round for some mysterious reason. I'm quite saddened by the loss. But what can I do but to wait for next year? The thing that pisses me off is that one other classmate (whom shall not be named), that I really think do not deserve the position, was successful in the Interview Round. I really do not think that this person's attitude is "right". In fact, I think that he has an attitude problem. (I won't elaborate any further. This is not solely my opinion, by the way.) I don't know what the Prefectorial Board sees in him. I believe they have made a grave mistake. >_<

Conclusion for this post: I shall try to update more regularly. The resurrection of this blog will, hopefully, be successful.

- DarkAbyssXx
8:33 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today, I went back to Woodlands Ring Primary School with Jeremy for a talk to some P6 Classes (6 Tulip, Violet and Sunflower). I was chosen as an RI ambassador to promote our Open House 2008 to the pupils from my alma mater. We were allowed to leave school for the talk. But of course, we need to return for the rest of the time after it. I felt that the talk went well. In the prepared speech, Jeremy elaborated about the programmes we have gone through in RI, such as the Special Programme. Both of us also talked about how challenging academic and CCA life can be. All in all though, it's "immensely interesting", as quoted by Jeremy.

Besides inviting them to RI Open House, which is going to be held from 9am to 4pm this Saturday, 17th May, we also screened a video and held a Question & Answer session. Surprisingly, the P6 pupils did not have many questions to ask, but luckily, I had earlier prepared a few topics to discuss with them. They include CCAs, Tests, Gradings, etc. I enjoyed delivering the speech.

I realised how quickly time had passed. Last year, I was one of the P6 pupils listening from the audience to another senior from WRPS who is in RI. Now, both me and Jeremy turned out to be the people talking!

By the way, the talk was held in the AVA Room. I would like to thank Mr Hoe, form teacher of 6 Tulip in 2007, for his assistance in scheduling the time and date for this visit. He was also present during our speech.

Now that I think of it, I seemed to have done most of the work. I contacted the school, passed them the posters and letter, refined the whole Ambassador Speech and got the video from RI. Anyway, it was a pretty challenging task, to call up the school. Actually, I just sent them an email and contacted them to make sure they received it. The funny thing was, they did not even tell me about the timing and date. I think WRPS told Mr Hoe to inform us about it.

This is the first time I came up with a speech and talked to my juniors on stage. I had certainly enjoyed this rare experience.

P.S. I met Mr Chua and Mdm Chen Cong in WRPS. We exchanged greetings and chatted for a short while before I left with Jeremy.

- DarkAbyssXx
5:57 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

I had no post in a long time, as usual, but I got a surprise a week ago. My CCA appeal was GRANTED! Finally, after months of waiting and tiring appeal. Surprisingly, the Head of PE and CCA, Mr Eng, said that the case had been closed quite some time ago. To think that the Chinese Orchestra teacher did not even inform me! (She still asked me to compose a solo for a performance on my instrument!)

Now that I'm in NCC, it's sayonara to RICO. I'm glad that I finally can do something non-related to music. Oh, the Physical Training (P.T.) is tough there. We had to do lots of training such as running up a 24-storey building and do normal workouts like crunches, push-ups, etc. Of course, there are drills. It's quite fun actually. Sometimes, we get to play soccer or war games. I had war games today, and all the Sec 1 cadets had to catch some of our seniors in the separate platoon. They could hide almost anywhere in the school. That is the challenge of the game. You not only have to find them, but you have to catch them. With teamwork, our platoon managed to capture most of our seniors, no matter how fast they run. We would always corner them, haha!

Oh, by the way, the reason for not posting for so long is because of the staggering amount of tests and assignments I'm having recently. There were a lot of CCTs for the past 2 weeks. Oh, and I mugged for Mathematics on Sunday for literally half the day. Yes, I spent around 12 hours in all doing a lot of supplementary exercises. My efforts paid off eventually, with me scoring a 23/30, compared to 16.5/30 for the last time!

I will continue to work harder for my weaker subjects! :P

- DarkAbyssXx
10:25 PM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Finally found time to post. I just took my 2.4 km run today. I felt quite exhausted after the run. My timing wasn't that great either: 14 min 30 sec (or something like that) That's a D grade. I don't care. The point is, I passed. :P No motivation to run anyway... For the 5 stations I did 2 weeks ago, it was pretty okay. I improved a lot in Standing Broad Jump (as compared to what I did in Primary School) and almost all the other stations. But, I was very angry with myself for not reaching 21 Inclined Pull-ups, which will give me a B grade. I did 20! The problem was, we weren't even informed about the gradings!

Well, that's pretty much everything I can say about NAPFA 2008. Some lucky people whose birthdays were after the NAPFA tests had the easy way out. Their requirements to reach the gradings were lower than those who were 13.

Now, on to the main point of the post. Today did not start out well. The weather was terrible. Oh, by the way, the 2.4 km run was postponed from last week to today. So when it started raining cats and dogs, I thought the run will be postponed again! But alas, good luck does not come around every time, as the heavy rain was reduced to a slight drizzle and then, NOTHING. Also, when I reached Bishan in the morning, the torrential downpour caused me to be partially drenched by the time I reached RI. This was partly because I had to share my umbrella with a classmate. But what made it worse was that my shoes and socks were totally soaked as I had stepped on huge puddles of water collecting on the depressions of the sidewalk. (Yes, there were lots of depressions along the pavement to RI. And of course, in order to cross, stepping into them was inevitable.) Sometimes, there were flows of running water, as seen on the pavement outside Junction 8. (There is a gently slope there.)

When I reached RI, I changed into my PE Attire, which was slightly drier. Also, I had to wear my shos without socks as they were too wet. This caused many hours of discomfort for me. (I had to bear with it even through the 2.4 km run!) After reccess, I had to change back to uniform again as there was a formal ceremony held later. How inconvenient!

But the worse thing was, my Biology textbook and personal file (along with all the pieces of paper inside) were affected too, especially the Bio textbook. (Now, even after using the hair-dryer, the pages still looked slightly crumpled.) Talk about bad luck! I decided to bring a raincoat as a substitute for my umbrella next time.

By the way, I only arrived in class at 7.31 am, which was about 10 min late. But there were people later than me. >_<

After that, lessons proceeded per normal...

- DarkAbyssXx
4:07 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

As usual, it's been more than 2 weeks since I last posted. Sigh... I really have not much time to update. Been very busy recently... Tests, Projects, Assignments... Not to mention a lot of studying. Speaking of that, this post is about my results for Term 1 in RI. Before I reveal them, I have to inform you that the subjects are graded based on a system called GPA, which stands for Grade Point Average. Not all secondary schools use this system, but it is very famous. Here's a table to illustrate the grading.

This is my Academic Report for Term 1. Actually, my scores were pretty okay, except for Mathematics! I got 2.0 GPA for it! ARGH!!! I vow to improve my Maths and grasp unclear concepts for the future tests. As for my MEP, the GPA was 2.8 because my first theory test was terrible! I only scored 13.5/25 marks! I almost failed it! But luckily, for the test in Term 2 which I took not too long ago, I scored 24/25 marks! Haha, not bad right? This was because I put in more effort in understanding what I was weak at. (Identifying chords, in this case.)

My overall GPA is 3.37. In my opinion, it is not really a bad score but not that good either. So, there's a lot of room for improvement. As for goal setting, my target is 3.6!

That's all for now. Hope all my friends are coping well with their academics! :P

- DarkAbyssXx
9:29 PM

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hi... It's been a long time since I posted. I know, the Hong Kong post is still pending. I will find some time to upload everything later. Anyway, this post is about my visit to the Urban Redevelopment Authority centre at Maxwell Road yesterday. Oh just for your information, it was a school field trip. And best of all, it was during school hours! R.I. allocated three days for all levels (Secondary 1-4) to conduct something called "Special Programme". In this educational programme, students are to visit places based on their respective subject groups and at the end of it, collate data and share their findings with everyone. The subject groups are: English, Chinese, History, Mathematics, Science and Geography. As you may have guessed, the visit to URA means I'm in Geography.

Well, I could say that the trip was pretty meaningful. I learnt a lot of things and took some photos of the place too. It was a guided tour called the "Singapore City Gallery". The Gallery is a three storey interactive arena which consists of:

1) The only 3D model of the entire island of Singapore
2) The only aerial photo map of Singapore (on the floor!)
3) 140 city images from around the world
4) Larger-than-life Planner's Table that lets you play at being an urban planner
5) Temporary exhibitions on architecture and urban design

And much, much more!

The first stop at the Gallery was a room where a zany interactive quiz ("Know Your Singapore?") was shown to test your knowledge about Singapore, with Gurmit Singh as your game master! You could answer the questions by pressing either the button A, B, or C on the answer panel. The quiz is humourous, yet educational at the same time! I will now share with you some photos and also what I've learnt on the trip!

First up, at the same place where the quiz was shown, there were the 140 city images from around the world. It was a pity you can't see the stunning pictures but I do have something interesting for you.

The photo may not be very clear, but that logo on the wall is unmistakably Starbuck's!

This is no fraud. Even Wikipedia has a photo and short summary for this! The Starbucks location in the former imperial palace in Beijing closed in July 2007. The coffee shop had been a source of ongoing controversy since its opening in 2000 with protesters objecting that the presence of the American chain in this location "was trampling on Chinese culture".

So, now you know what cities do.

Next, I went to see a model of the island of Singapore. Here are some pictures.

Oh, for your information, this is the Marina Barrage. The S$226 million project will be completed some time after 2007, and turn the Marina Bay and Kallang Basin into a new downtown freshwater reservoir.

Have a look at this photo I took inside the models of the building. Looks like a real street at first, right?

Following that, there was a part of the gallery where information and models of some houses in the olden days are displayed.

The following are photos of shophouse designs. Shophouses first appeared in Singapore when the Town Plan of Sir Stamford Raffles dictated the subdivision of the land into smaller regular lots. They were narrow, long terrace houses with various facades, creating an attractive unified streetscape. The shophouse was built to be flexible, either to be used entirely as a house, or a home upstairs with a shop downstairs. It can be thought of as the original "home office"!

Now, for some information. Singapore is a medium-size city. Yet it is also a country and needs to pack all that a country needs - like airport, water catchment and military training areas - into a compact 697 sq km. And it not only has to provide for now, but also for the future.

Keeping land for water needs

Today, half of Singapore's land area is used as water catchment areas. These can be forested areas or areas where urbanisation is controlled. As the population grows, more land needs to be set aside as water catchment areas.

Securing land for defence

20% of Singapore's land is used for military training grounds, camps and installations. This is uncommon for a city but necessary for a nation.

Limits to building higher

Expanding vertically is one way to make better use of limited land. Areas around airports have height restrictions so that planes can take off and land safely. This is why flats in towns like Tampines and Simei are at most 12 storeys high.

How Singapore's land area has increased

In the 1960s, the land area of Singapore was approximately 580 sq km. Since then, Singapore has grown by 16,000 football fields in size, that is by more than 20%. This figure will hit 25% when a number of other large reclaimation projects are eventually completed to cater for a population of 5.5 million or more.


Reclaimation is generally not carried out beyond 20m depth of the sea as it gets too expensive. Here's a fun fact: Marine Parade was the first housing estate to be built on reclaimed land. It was part of the East Coast reclaimation project completed in the late 1960s. More than 25,000 residents live there today. So, can reclaimation go on forever? Of course NOT! Our ports need sea-space to continue their business. Most of Singapore's territorial waters have been dedicated to port use. About 115 sq km of sea-space is set aside for anchorage space!

Finally, some information on the conservation of Singapore's heritage.

Conservation Basis

Conservation is continuity - from past to present. It is about sensitively adapting and optimising the use of buildings for current needs so that the nation retains its historical memory and so that they can continue to be relevant today.

What is Built Heritage?

Our built heritage is made up of a wide range of buildings and structures including civic buildings, schools and institutions, places of worship and bridges. It is as diverse as the number of racial and ethical groups in Singapore. From entire streetscapes to individual buildings, architectural styles to details, Singapore's built heritage is an interesting melting pot of different cultures.

The two most commonly known building types in our built heritage are the urban terrace shophouse and the suburban bungalow.

Why Conserve?

Our built heritage links us to our shared past. By conserving our historic buildings, we are keeping important reminders of the achievements of our pioneers. Conserved buildings and areas help to give our young nation an identity, a sense of history and memory. They also contribute to charm and contrast, adding visual diversity to our streetscape. We should conserve these buildings for future generations so that they too can understand and share in our common past.

Once quoted by MM Lee Kuan Yew in 1995, "We made our share of mistakes in Singapore. For example in our rush to rebuild Singapore, we knocked down many old and quaint Singapore buildings. Then we realised we were destroying a valuable part of our cultural heritage, that we were demolishing what tourists found attractive and unique in Singapore. "
Overall, the trip was wonderful as I got to know a lot more about Singapore. The gallery has a truly fantastic display of our nation. Special thanks to the URA Centre for providing the information. Well, if you have not been there, I strongly recommend you to visit the place. Trust me, you will find the trip fun and enjoyable!

- DarkAbyssXx
1:16 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dear readers, please note that I have came up with a new system of organising some parts of the blog. This will make it look slightly tidier, more organised and hassle-free. As you may already know, I had created a blog division entirely for the Facts Of Life section. I'm going to do the same for some photos. I added links to the various blog divisions at the sidebar. Oh and also, I found the HTML code to separate the links there. (It looked quite messy previously, as the links had to be separated with comma!) Just for your information, the new blog division for the photos is called "Photos Galore". Once you go there, links to PhotoBucket will be available. You can then view the photos from there!

- DarkAbyssXx
9:53 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

I recently began watching Naruto during my the weekends. I had heard a lot about this anime for the past 2 years but I never really bothered to watch it. Finally, after so long of wondering what's so good about the show, I went to watch the very first episode. After that, I couldn't settle for one. I watched a few more and was hooked to the series.

This anime revolves around Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja from the village of Konoha. The spirit of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox that attacked his village around the time of his birth was sealed into his body. This was kept a secret and a lot of people shunned him, treating him like the actual demon itself. Naruto is a person with big dreams. His primary motivation throughout the series is to become Hokage (pronounced "hoka-gey"), or in other words, the village leader of Konoha. During the beginning of the series, Naruto was a simple-minded prankster who wished for acceptance. However, as the series progresses, Naruto develops into a much more mature character, although he still retains some of his childlike traits.

The story gets more exciting as you go along with it. There are lots of episodes, leading to the production of Season 2: Naruto Shippūden. I had just began and am still far from these exciting episodes. My favourite character in the series is Kakashi Hatake, the sensei and team leader of team 7, which consists of Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Well, my point is, if you are having doubts about this anime, just watch it. Who knows, you may unknowingly become a Naruto Fan! :D

- DarkAbyssXx
8:45 PM

Friday, March 21, 2008

This post will contain helpful links to websites that are related to science. These are for secondary school level. I will try to post more links in the future.

Cells Animation

Mutualism and Commensalism

More links coming up!

- DarkAbyssXx
9:05 PM

Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's been a week since I posted (again). Wow... It had been quite a busy week for me. There were lots of project deadlines, new assignments, holiday homework, etc. Speaking of holidays, this post is specifically about my vacation plans! Too put it short, I'm going to Hong Kong. I suddenly realised that other than Malaysia and Thailand, I had not been to any other countries! T.T

Actually, this trip was planned quite a long time ago. (Last year in about November.) Count it as my reward for my PSLE results, haha! Going to Hong Kong, I'm sure, will be a totally new and exciting experience. I'll bring my camera there and snap lots of pictures. I guess I will have A LOT to write about after the trip. I will take some airline to there from KLIA. Also, I will be staying at my cousin's house in Seremban before I take the flight.

I will bring back a few books to kill time, not to mention some holiday assignments and homework! *GULP*

So that's all for this post. I'm looking forward to the holidays! ^_^

- DarkAbyssXx
7:08 PM

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Wow... I went to watch L: Change The World today. I'm quite satisfied with the trip today as this was the second time I watched a movie at a cinema in Singapore AND also because the show was great. The last time I recalled watching a show at a Singapore Cinema was about 3 years ago. I went with Ling Yun to watch Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie. Haha, it rocks! I still remember the corny jokes that Spongebob made and the satirical humour in it. We laughed throughout the movie when there were funny scenes! Past memories...

Anyway, I went today as it was Wei Kang's birthday (1st of March) and he was treating some friends to this movie. Of course, Ling Yun being his neighbour and close friend, went with us. Wei Kang even invited some other ex-classmates (girls). So, he paid for seven tickets in total. Say bye bye to $70! X[ But he was happy about the money spent. ("Aiya, once a year ma!") Ling Yun and I asked him whether he intended to do this every year. I think he said yes. o_O Phew! Glad my birthday is over... ;P

Okay... I will tell you briefly what the movie is about.

The movie begins with a scene in a Thai Village. L's friend, F (Wow... He has lots of friends. From A - Z.), was killed along with all the people of the village to prevent a deadly virus from spreading. However, a nameless boy, was given instructions and a pendant by F to contact Watari, L's assistant. L's rivals are K and a twisted environmental group who are keen on "cleansing" the world of it's excess population with the deadly virus. L's accomplices are two young children - the English speaking boy who's the sole survivor of the virus that infected the Thai village; and a 12-year-old Japanese school girl (Maki) who's the daughter of a Professor who developed the virus antidote. The professor is subsequently killed by K while his horrified daughter watches. Although the girl escapes, the "environmentalists" make it their point to capture her.

I will end here. If I tell you the rest of the story, it wouldn't be exciting when you watch it. (That is, if you intend to watch it.

Now, for the pros and cons of the movie. (This is just my personal opinion.)

Pro: L Rocks! His image has not changed, still a genius and a sloppy-looking guy. But you will be surprised at his head-quarters and the advanced technology he possesses. L remains a queer guy. (Slouching when walking, having excessive intake of sugar, picking up objects with two fingers, typing on the keyboard really weirdly, behaving oddly in public, etc.) He's a source of some funny moments in the show. (I really can't describe everything! :D) The plot is realistic. (The Death Note is only used once by L. He wrote his own name in it at the start of the movie, condemning himself to death in 23 days. And so the countdown begins...)

Con: Some questions in the movie are left unanswered. Who killed Watari? (My conclusion is that since Watari died of a heart attack while in a lift with Misa Amane, the only possible culprit is L, who possessed the two death notes at that point of time. ) But Watari is such a close friend to L, so it doesn't make sense to assume that he was killed by L. Another question is: What happened to Misa after her first (and only) appearance?

Generally, I feel that the movie was worth watching and quite good in some aspects. The part about the plane hijack was cool. There were also a lot of climaxes and exciting moments in the show. So here's my rating: 8/10 stars!

Hope you like the movie!

- DarkAbyssXx
9:21 PM

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Currently, I have been very busy with lots of Common Class Tests, CCAs, Assignments and Projects, etc. When I look at my diary of scheduled events in one week, I already felt tired. There are lots of deadlines, tests and other stuff. That's why for the past week, I have not been updating the blog. I seriously lack the free time. By the time I come home and finish my work, it is already about 10.30 pm and I am dead-beat. So, you can imagine how tedious school life is. But in spite of all that, I enjoy most of my lessons and activities. (The only thing I dread is waking up early in the morning! Nobody likes doing that!)

I realised that actually, the transition from being a primary to a secondary school student is the biggest. Things get a lot tougher in secondary school. (For example in Maths, a lot of new concepts are to be learnt.) So, I must cope with not only the stress, but also the time management.

By the way, I went to the Singapore Airshow at Changi Exhibition Hall with one of my classmates. The exhibition was pretty good. There were various airline companies displaying models of planes and stuff like that. There was even some huge working models of plane turbines! Oh and you may think that the Airshow is very impressive. In fact, I don't think it is. Well, the stunts were nice, but the intervals between them were too long, so I did not watch the whole Airshow. But most importantly, I got to see the Airbus A380 and even touched it! The plane was humongous, and I had to stand at a great distance just to take a photo of part of it. I will post the photos of my trip to the Singapore Airshow later.

Anyway, I would like to inform my readers that I may not update the blog so frequently now. Maybe I will do it only once a week if I really have no time. But the Facts Of Life section is still alive, so do check on it! Oh and by the way, this is the 100th post! :D

Sayonara for now!

- DarkAbyssXx
7:01 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted. Why have I not posted recently? That's because I celebrated Chinese New Year for the first week and also had been very, very busy for the week after that. As usual, I went back to Labis and Seremban, Malaysia, to celebrate CNY. It was pretty much the same for this year, except for the fact that I had 2 projects that are due on the week after my trips to Malaysia! X(

During my 3-day stay in Labis, I took some time to do my Research Education Preliminary Ideas. (I don't wanna explain what this is, but just think of it as a Preliminary Project Planning!) Another difference this time round was that I successfully obtained internet access there! My father brought my laptop and his, along with the Internet Router (DLink), to Malaysia. As my uncle, which has internet access, is living next door to my grandmother, it's not hard to imagine how I obtained it too! While doing my project, I chatted with Tommy, one of my teammates, via MSN! I also discussed some of the project ideas with him. How useful can MSN get! :D

I also brought the book "Totto-chan" there to read. (I borrowed it from Tommy.) The book is basically about the life of Totto-chan, a young Japanese child that is very talkative, active, curious, inquisitive, helpful, caring, etc. The story is divided into short chapters that captures the reader's attention by depicting meaningful and heart-moving events in her life. The book ROCKS! Try to get your hands on it!

Also, the low wall that separates my grandmother's house and my uncle's is a good place to climb onto and relax. I can even sit up there and read!

Cool, huh?

During my short stay at Seremban, My family and I went to visit one of my relatives living in Malaysia. Her house was very spacious and nicely furnished. But there were a few things REALLY cool about that place. Firstly, in one part of the large living room, there were 3 computers and a laptop all placed together on a long desk. In additions, there were computer chairs, a few comfortable cushions and a coffee table! The first time I saw this place, I thought it was a CyberCafe! XD

Secondly, there was else that really caught my attention. Two finely-crafted models of guns! Please do note that the guns in the pictures below are not the real thing and are only replicas.

This AK-47 looks incredibly real! And what's more, its weight also resembles the real gun!

Side view...!

Looks like a really cool SMG with a scope! Reminds me of First Person Shooter games!

The scope even produces a light and a laser beam! How cool is that! ^_^

For the last 2 pictures, they are models of the Eiffel Tower and the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. I got those pictures in Seremban!

A steel model of the Eiffel Tower.

The Burj Al Arab in Dubai. It's a seven-star hotel! Wow!

Well, that's all! Hope that everyone enjoyed their Chinese New Year holidays!

- DarkAbyssXx
9:22 PM

Friday, February 08, 2008

Hooray! A new section/attraction of the blog has arrived! This segment of the blog will be dedicated to a collection of intereting phrases or sentences from literature! (Especially fiction!) DISCLAIMER: I do NOT claim these as works as my own. All sources and authors will be acknowledged.

Totto-chan stood dazed, watching until he and his large head disappeared from view. That head full of brains that she admired so much. That head that looked so much bigger than his body the children used to call him “The Improper Fraction”.

Kuroyanagi, Tetsuko (1996) Totto-chan

Construction in Progress. More coming up!

- DarkAbyssXx
11:01 AM

Monday, January 28, 2008

During the past weekend, my family and I went back to malaysia with other relatives to attend a Wedding Dinner. The whole trip was pretty boring and monotonous, to tell you the truth, and there is nothing much to talk about. So, what made me post? Well the answer is, I visited Muar in Malaysia! (Yes, Muar! The place which is always mentioned in the 2007 P6 Math Worksheets. :P) My family and all my relatives booked a "resort" there. Actually, it was not really the classy kind of resort you would expect. It's quite plain and simple, with a few small rooms with basic amenities. Anyway, here are some photos of Muar! :D

Houses and streets in Muar...

This is the name of the "resort" I stayed in.

The view of the lake near the resort.

Notice that the antennae rise up high into the sky. This is to receive broadcasts from Singapore!

Muar is famous for their delicious otahs! Look at the prices! :D

Hmm... Some thoughts forming in your head?

- DarkAbyssXx
8:06 PM

Its been ages since I last posted. (Around a week or so. :P) I was very busy and had no time to update. I faced quite a few major problems in Raffles Institution regarding some choices. I'm going to elaborate. (Please note that some of the events happened weeks ago.) Remember that I talked about Third Language? Actually, I could not join Third Language as I found out that I could only take ONE elective programme. As I had entered RI through DSA (MEP), I did not expect to be forced into the programme! X( Well, I decided to stick with it anyway as I don't think that any appeals will work.

I just got my CCA Posting Results today. I put NCC as my first choice. BUT guess what I got? CHINESE ORCHESTRA?!? That was my fourth choice! I can't believe this is happening. Uniformed Groups do not require any trials or tests, so I should be getting into NCC? Was it because of limited vacancies or any other reasons? I don't know! But whatever the reason, I'm going to appeal for a transfer in CCA tomorrow. (Dates were set for appeals.)

There's also one more bad thing about Chinese Orchestra. The practice falls on Mondays and Saturdays! The weekend is the only time for me to rest and do extra self-study. If I have to wake up early on Saturdays, it would be terrible! >_<

Well, I guess whatever the outcome of the appeal, I should treat my allocation with an open mind. o.O "

- DarkAbyssXx
7:50 PM

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I faced a slight problem recently with my Internet Explorer Browser. Apparently, the homepage is always set to a site called www.sujin.com.np which does not contain anything. Here's the problem: whenever I try to change my homepage to another site, a few minutes later, a message will pop up, saying that the homepage is changed back to sujin.com.np! At first, I was stumped by this problem. I did not know how the worm got into my computer. Anyway, I searched Google for a solution and found it! Follow this site if you have the problem >>> Meroguff

About the Worm

This Sujin.com.np is just a mere browser hijack annoyance which sets the user's homepage to "www.sujin.com.np" and it tries to hijack other peoples' browsers by injecting itself to removable drives every ten seconds. So, whoever popped into the Pen Drive or floppy drive, the infected host injected the Hijack script on them. They went to another computer with the infected pen drive and it infected another computer and that's how it seems exploded all over the region. Fortunately, there is no malicious code inside it. The only motive is to set user's browser to 'Sujin.com.np'. o.O


1. Firstly, disable the autorun feature of your operating system. The reason is that the autorun feature of your system triggered the worm. Here's how to do it: Press Start ---> run --> type "gpedit.msc" without the quotes and enter. You will see Group Policy Console. There, under Local Computer Policy, there are a)Computer Configuration and b)User Configuration. Next, select "Administrative Templates"-->Select "System"--->Turn off Autoplay. (Double click "Turn off Autoplay" option and select "disabled" on next screen.) This will disable all kind of autorun.

But, if Sujin.com.np is already resident in the memory, Download SCANNER here.


After you've downloaded SCANNER, open the file by clicking on it and double click the folder that says "sujinvirus_remove". There's a file inside it, which is the programme used to remove the worm. After activating SCAN, the worm should be removed.

- DarkAbyssXx
7:58 PM

The big day approached. JRIC (Junior Rafflesian Investiture Ceremony) is the most important day in a Sec 1's Year. It is the day when students of Raffles Institution will be officially invested into the school, after which they will be recognised as a part of the Rafflesian Family. All Sec 1s will also receive the school badge and tie. After the gruelling Orientation Camp, this was sort of a celebration! Anyway, here's a photo of the badge.

Nice design, right?

So that sums up this post.

- DarkAbyssXx
7:38 PM

Monday, January 07, 2008

Below are some great songs that I came across. The names of the song will be shown. To listen to them and sing to the lyrics, please refer to the playlist for the music. :D

1) Would You Be There

If I were blue, would you be there for me,
And whisper in my ears that's ok.
Would you stand by me, let me hold you tight,
And say you love me one more time.

If I feel good would you slow dance with me,
And touch my lips with tender loving care
Would you die for me, would you run with me
And never look back.

Would you be there to love to be with me
Would you swear that your love is always true
Would you say that you'll always be the one
To take my breath away


Would you be there to love to be with me
Would you swear that your love is always true
Would you say that you'll always be the one
To take my breath away
(Would you be there)

If I'm away would you still think of me
And wish that you could hold me now (Hold me now)
Would you die for me, would you run with me
All the way

Would you be there to love to be with me
Would you swear that your love is always true
Would you say that you'll always be the one
To take my breath away

Would you be there to save my soul tonight (Save my soul tonight)
Would you swear that your love is always true
Would you say that you'll always be there
To kiss my pain away

Would you be there to love to be with me
Would you swear that your love is always true
Would you say that you'll always be the one
To take my breath away

Would you be there to save my soul tonight (Save my soul tonight)
Would you swear that your love is always true
Would you say that you'll always be there
To kiss my pain away

Would you be there
For me

2) Voices That Care

This is the Sec 1 Students' in RI's Batch Song

Lonely fear lights up the sky
Cant help but wonder why
You're so far away

There, you have to take a stand
In someone elses land
Life can be so strange

I wish we never had to choose
To either win or lose
That we could find a way

But I wont turn my back again
Your honor I'll defend
So hurry home, till then


Stand tall, Stand proud
Voices that care are crying out loud
And when you close your eyes tonight
Feel in your heart how our love burns bright

I'm not here to justify the cause
Or to count up all the loss
Thats all been done before

I just cant let you feel alone
When there's so much love at home
We're sending out to you

And the courage that you've known
The bravery that you've shown
Clearly lights the way

We pray to make the future bright
To make the wrong things right
(RAP) Right or wrong, we're all praying you'll remain strong. That's why were all here and singing along.

Stand tall, Stand proud
Voices that care are crying out loud
And when you close your eyes tonight
Know in your heart how our love burns bright

Voices that care are crying out loud... Yeah...

And when you close your eyes tonight
Feel in our heart how our love burns bright

You are the voice, You are the light

Stand tall, Stand proud
Voices that care are crying out loud
And when you close your eyes tonight
Feel in your heart how our love burns bright (REPEAT TWICE)

We are the voice and the guiding light. Feel in your heart how our love burns bright!

- DarkAbyssXx
7:54 PM

Sunday, January 06, 2008

I went to Raffles Institution Orientation Camp 2008 a day ago. As I was too tired to post after I came back, I decided to do it today. Some info about the camp: It's a 3 days 2 nights camp. That means staying overnight. The venue of the camp is inside the school campus itself! In some previous years, the Orientation Camp was held in a forested area near a SAF Live Firing Area. So, let me enlighten you about my camp experience.

This year, the camp's theme is Lasair (a celtic word), which means Flame On. Most of the time in camp was spent on outdoor and indoor team-building activities. In these activities, teamwork, co-operation, determination and efficiency were required to complete them. By the way, my Sec 1 class is 1F. I got to see my class on the first day. Some of them were quite weird in some ways. (I think one of them is a bit loony. :P) Example: On the first day of school, when all my classmates were asked to introduce themselves and tell us about their hobbies, this lunatic said, "My name is ... ... My hobby is commiting suicide." When the class heard that, there was absolutely no laughter at all. The PSLs (Peer Support Leader) just stared at him and asked everyone to be more serious. o.O

Anyway, about the activities. Here are some examples. One of them was called 'Bishan Hike'. All the students had to roam around Bishan in search of some stations for assigned tasks. First, a clue was given about the location of the station. As a class, we had to brainstorm about the possible locations and search for them. (Bishan is quite a large area.) If we guessed the correct location, there would be a PSL there, trying to blend in with the public. BUT, he would be wearing a recognizable shirt that all PSLs wear. Upon completing the assigned task (usually memory games and other challenges), a clue on the next location would be given. This goes on until the time for the game is over, which is about 3-4 hours! As you may guess, it's pretty tiring. Also, there were other games, all of which require quick thinking and on-the-spot planned strategies. (I won't mention any more of them, there's just too many!)

One more thing, the schedule for everyday was quite rushed. Time limits were given for every activity. (Not only games, but also bag-packing, briefings, talks, etc.) There was no time to lose! Even when we were showering, there was a time limit! The reason for this is because there were only a few places to shower AND that there were 450+ students! Yikes! During meal times, there was also a mad rush for food. The queues were very long as students waited in line for their serving of food. Each class will take turns to serve the food and clean up. All the activities in the camp were totally student-orientated. That's right, NO teachers helping. Well, a few only supervised the overall situation. Other than that, no help was provided. When we took our food, we cannot start eating first, though. We had to wait for every single student to be seated. That's one of the morals they emphasized there, we are all a batch. What's more, before we took our meals, we had to recite our school's Principal of Honour. Here it is:

In intellectual pursuit, I shall reflect discipline and passion for learning and in personal conduct, I shall live in integrity and regard individuals, groups and the community with kindness and respect and in so doing, uphold the Rafflesian Principal of Honour.

There, pretty cool, right? In RI, moral values are also greatly emphasized. (Basic courtesy and manners, etc.) Okay, on to the next topic. Let me talk about Fright Night, one of the activities organised.

On the second day of the camp, this activity was organised too help us overcome our fears and learn to stick together as groupmates. Incredible Tales was aired in the Lecture Theatres. Surprisingly, some people were freaked out. Lol... It wasn't THAT scary, right..? The original plan was to let us watch a japanese horror movie. But it was NC-16, unfortunately. When I see people freaked out just watching Incredible Tales, I can't imagine how they would react if they watched the horror film. (Piss in their pants?? >_<) Anyway, the Science Block was used for the Night Tour. The PSLs tried to scare us by jumping out of corners and telling us some 'scary' stories. Some were quite crappy. X( The first time they tried to scare my group, I was merely surprised. I didn't even jump. But for the second and third time, they jumped out unexpectedly from behind some pillars and hard-to-notice places. I jumped and them laughed at them. Each group was allowed only one torch. After the third scare, my group became EXTREMELY cautious. Here's a funny moment. At one point of the tour, we were instructed to switch off the torch. Before that, we saw a PSL at a table. In addition, we saw another one of them hiding under the table and at once, I knew they were trying to scare us! We told the first PSL about the person hiding but he nervously tried to divert our attention to him, asking us to stand closer to see and feel something in the darkness. In the end, I found out that it was just a distraction for the other PSL to scare us by grabbing our legs from under the table. Too bad we foiled their plans! XD I'm sure they felt pretty sad.

So that's all for the activities. For the camp Finale, there was a short performance and class cheer competition. I would like to talk about all the PSLs right now. When I first got to know our class PSLs, I felt strange around them. But soon, I realised that they were really a bunch of caring and kind people. They sacrificed a lot of their precious time preparing and guiding all the Sec 1 students through the camp. They sacrificed their sleep and performed their duties very well. They bathed and had their meals later than all of the students. I was really touched by how much they devoted themselves to guiding us. They inspired me and I decided that when I was Sec 4, I would be a PSL, guiding the juniors in RI. Without them, there would not even be an Orientation Camp at all. So thanks a lot, Seniors!

With that, I end this post. I hope that all my friends will enjoy their secondary school life and never give up in their studies. Lasair, Flame On!

- DarkAbyssXx
8:14 PM

Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 is approaching... In just an hour or so. :P Anyway, here are some of my plans for 2008.

--> Learn the art of solving Rubik's Revenge and Professor's Cube.
--> Work hard for Secondary 1 and establish a strong foundation of knowledge in the various subjects.
--> Guide my brother through Primary 3 in Science.
--> Find time in my busy schedule to play soccer and improve my skills.
--> Keep in touch with some of my friends.
--> Have an exciting and enjoyable year!

Oh, and I decided to stop playing MapleStory again due to the lack of time and my brother. That's for normal school days, when I have to focus all my energy on my studies. Of course, during the holidays, there's still time for R&R! (Rest and Relaxation, F.Y.I.)

So that pretty much sums it all for this post. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! ^_^

- DarkAbyssXx
11:00 PM

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Finally, I learnt the Art of Solving the Rubik's Cube. (3x3 for now.) Wei Liang invited me to his house after I came back from my trip in Malaysia. The reason I did not write about this earlier was because I don't think that there is much to say, is there? o.O I can't possibly write about the formula. That would take too much time. So far, my best record is 2 minutes 28 seconds. I am now searching for a faster way to solve the cube.

As for my next target, I will attempt to master Rubik's Revenge (4x4) and the Professor's Cube (5x5). I went to Toys 'R' Us yesterday, trying to purchase both, only to find that Rubik's Revenge was NOT in stock! But behold, the Professor's Cube!

I got 2 points to raise about the above picture. One, this is not the photo of my cube. I just got it from google. (Transfer from phone to PC takes time, Mind You.) And two, this cube is FREAKIN' LARGE!

So, on to my quest for Solving Both Cubes!

- DarkAbyssXx
1:17 PM

It has been quite some time since I last posted. Yup, I was quite busy. On the 21st of December, all Primary 6 Students had to report to their respective secondary schools for some briefings and stuff. As I expected, Raffles Institution warmly welcomed all the future 2008 Secondary 1 Students with open arms. There was a short briefing about the school's orientation camp and the Parent's Association. I also went there to collect the Orientation Pack which contained some forms to fill up. (Application for Higher Mother Tongue, Personal Particulars Form, etc.)

In addition, I also received a Letter Of Offer to study a Third Language, Japanese. I had previously chosen it when I viewed my choices for the Secondary Schools in the MOE website. There were also some other information sheets about the MEP, AEP and other programmes offered in the school. As I already decided to take the Third Language, I am not eligible for the MEP. I will not worry about that as for my CCAs, I decided to take up something music-related. (String Ensemble, Chinese Orchestra, etc.)

I was elated upon knowing that Ling Yun and Jeremy will be in the same school with me next year! At least I had some companions. (Eng Chuan will be posted to Hwa Chong Institution. Oh boy, the travelling time is really going to take ages for him. >_<) I realised that the competition between me, Ling Yun and Jeremy had still NOT ended! Anyway, on that same day, I queued up to purchase the Uniforms and the Polo T-Shirt. My father, who was with me, decided to buy the Textbooks and Stationery another day as the queues were incredibly long everywhere! On the 28th of December, I purchased almost all the required items. (Though some books and files were out of stock.) Miraculously, there were no queues! Haha, this is the smart way to purchase items! Now, on to some serious stuff. I am already mentally prepared to face a lot of problems next year. (Not to mention stress! >_<) I can already imagine my hectic schedule. Here's the normal school hours: Monday and Wednesday --> 7.25 am - 3.15 pm

Tuesday and Thursday --> 7.25 am - 1.35 pm

Friday --> 7.25 am - 12.45 pm

Considering the above timings, you may think that it's not too bad. But wait, there's more! I have to take Japanese at the MOELC every Tuesday and Thursday from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Plus, on Fridays there is no day off. I have shifted my music lessons to that day starting at 3.30 pm. (Well, at least there is still some time to rest. o.O) And don't forget CCAs and other activities! I heard that the students are so involved in all the activities that the school is like their Second Home!

After taking a peek at the hectic schedule, I'm even more determined to balance work, rest and play. The next four years will be very challenging, but no matter what, I will PERSEVERE. By the way, Third Language is not an enrichment course but an EXAMINATION SUBJECT. So, it is very important that I put my heart and soul into learning it, not just to tackle exams, but also to pursue my interest!

Finally, I would like to thank all my teachers who had guided me for the past 6 years. I'm sure that all my friends are just as grateful. Without my teachers' patience, guidance, nurture, encouragement and support, I would never had a chance to be posted to Raffles Institution. Thank you teachers, and take care!

- DarkAbyssXx
12:41 PM

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ahhh... I'm finally back in Singapore after a long stay of about 2 weeks in Seremban, Malaysia. I can proudly declare that this stay was one of the most enriching experience there. I went to my cousin's preparatory course for his Form 1 subjects. They taught Maths and Science in English. The purpose of the course was to let the students get used to the new language that they are going to learn: English. In 2008, the secondary school students in Malaysia will be using English in their subjects. On the first day, the teacher administered a test! I did not really understand some of the questions as the terminology they used was different. Honestly, the Maths was pretty easy! :P

I also attended 6 guitar lessons in total. I learnt the basic chords and their positions on the guitar. I will be continuing my own practice and research at home! :D

On some days, I went to the shopping centres (Sunway Pyramid, Mid Valley) around Kuala Lumpur with my cousin's family. There were some Toys 'R' Us stores which sold Rubik's Revenge! (4x4 puzzle cube) I will obtain it some day! I will learn the art of solving the 3x3 cube very soon from Wei Liang (I'm just a few steps away from solving it!) And to top all these things, I just got a PSP! Haha!

Also, I went to Genting Highlands for 2 days and 1 night. The accommodation was fantastic! The living room was spacious and comfortable! Apart from that, there was no need for any air-cons as it is naturally cool around that place. (Sort of a Natural air-conditioner!) My cousin stayed there before previously and brought me around the place. There was a mini arcade with a few games and even a cybercafe. (It was not really a cybercafe. Just a few computers and stuff. :P) The point is, I had fun!

The outdoor and indoor theme parks were a tad disappointing, though. There were long queues of people everywhere at the rides. The upside was that I got to try out some rides and activities that I never tried before. (F1 Racing, Rock Climbing, Archery, etc.) Overall, the trip was OKAY.

Of course, I took some photos of BAD ENGLISH around the malls. I will be ending this post with the photos!

I found this in a toilet above the urinals. It is actually part of a water conservation project. (I think...) But look carefully. Press to WASH YOURSELF??

I'm sorry to display the name of the shop. The grammar sucks!

Now this is not really Bad English. It's just an interesting advertisement!

- DarkAbyssXx
10:50 PM

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I saw this outrageous article published in The New Paper dated 24 November 2007! Read the highlighted parts to see for yourself.

If you are a girl, you'd probably laugh to yourself and COMPLETELY agree with this dumb article. Yes, I admit that SOME parts of the article are quite true. But, the people who say those dumb things are not addressing exceptions! Hmm... They must be females. X(

The first highlighted part angers me the most: Said one teacher at a primary school in central Singapore: "The maturity of a primary six girl is equal to (the maturity of) a secondary two boy, so naturally they are more serious about their academic goals." Now, WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE IS THAT?

Also, don't think that every part of this article about GIRLS are right. In my opinion, not every girl in 6 Sunflower is showing that "maturity" stated in the article. You know WHO you are. So, to prevent any unwanted arguements, I will end this post. But DO think about what you've read.

- DarkAbyssXx
6:51 PM

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas is around the corner and as usual, Orchard Road is buzzing with activities 24 hours a day! My family and I went there initially because we wanted to have a little "buffet" at the Sakura Restaurant. At the restaurant, I saw something that interested me.

StrawBEERy? Wow... Strawberry-flavoured beer ice cream...?

Well, after the meal at Sakura (which consisted mainly of Unagis ^_^), My family and I decided to go for a stroll around Orchard Road to admire the festive decorations all around the place. Yes, there are photos! Why not a picture rather than a thousand words?

Please excuse the poor quality. I was in a rush to take the photos... :P

Rotating figurines... Nice...

This is one of the most interesting sights. Take a look at the picture. A fine statue? Or a well-crafted sculpture? Here's the truth: "It" is a real person! Surprised? I can't believe that it is a person at first too! He did not move a muscle when I first saw him. This act requires an immense amount of patience. He stood there for hours...!

I saw an enormous Christmas Tree in Takashimaya Mall with incredibly HUGE baubles.

I also went to the Toys 'R' Us and happen to see an authentic Rubik's Cube. Did I buy it? OF COURSE! :D

Compare... The above is a faux.

Now THAT is authenticity. Well, maybe you can't see much of a difference except for the mark in the centre. It's the rotation of the cube. The authentic one is easier to rotate and turn. The turning matters a lot in Speedcubing. XD

Anyway, that's my experience. Wishing everyone a...

P.S. Another sign I saw in NTUC Supermarket. You gotta love these errors!

PoWER... or PowDER?

- DarkAbyssXx
11:07 PM


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What are your feelings about Mas Selamat Kastari's escape from detention centre?
I'm confident that the Singapore Authorities will round him up soon.
The Singapore Government has done a good job of keeping the country safe thus far. It's no big deal.
I think he will try to get in touch with other Jemaah Islamiah leaders and escape.
Huh? What are you talking about? Who is Mas Selamat Kastari?
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